Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to Do with Post-Frozen Tortillas?

When we moved here almost a year and a half ago (really? it's already been that long?!?), we brought 288 corn tortillas.  Flour tortillas you can find can even find relatively good ones...but corn are non-existent.  There's some sort of bizarro Old El Paso corn/flour hybrid that tastes like cardboard, but no real corn tortillas.

So we brought our two gross with us when we all flew over and we put them in the freezer.  A strange thing about corn tortillas...they freeze fine but even a few months later, when I thaw them, they fall apart.  Must be the water content that's turned to ice?  I've tried thawing on the counter and microwaving, but the outcome is the same.  On the top picture above, see the strange shaped, uncooked tortillas on the upper left?  That's what happens to about 1/2 of them.  The other 1/2 are better but are still prone to falling apart when soft cooked for enchiladas.  This state of affairs certainly make rolling enchiladas very difficult.

But I refuse to throw away a corn tortilla.  So I made a sort of stacked enchilada casserole in a springform pan.  It's just enchilada sauce, cheese, and tortillas.  I didn't have any onion or I would have chopped some fresh for the top (the kids don't like onions, so throughout wasn't an option).  I also used "real cheddar cheese," which was also brought back from Texas because the cheddar here is all too sharp, and I made a pot of pinto beans (also brought with us).  This meal put a serious dent in our home-food stock...

We used to have a restaurant back in Texas that served "stacked enchiladas," one of the only times I've seen them outside of family cooking.  They put some salady stuff on top, too, which was delicious.  Only lettuce here is sort of a challenge...which is odd considering the amount of Greek salad and Fatoosh that gets consumed in this country...but good fresh lettuce is hard to find and I refuse to spend my days shopping at four different food stores only to pay $8 USD for a small head of it.

So some lovely pickled jalepenos were the perfect green accent on top of that soft-fried egg...First enchiladas since the May visit home.  Nommmmmm...

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