Friday, March 11, 2011

Wa'allah Update:
Poops and Poops and Poops, and a Whistle and a "Whew!" Too

Cheeky little Wa'allah is a great bird, continuing to fit right into our family with no drama.  So far, he still hasn't felt the need to take up any aggressive behavior. He for some reason is not as fond of Hank--although Hank has certainly never done anything to deserve that.

Over the first few weeks that he was here, we spent some time and money getting baby toys as well as a new movable perch/stand.  We found some stackable toddler cups (the 10 that nest inside each other) as well as some small National Geographic-style plastic animals.  So Wa'allah likes to chew the tails and feet off of tigers and elephants and rhinos.  We also found a bead toy and a few other things.  Then we spent a boat load of money and ordered some great perches and things from a USA bird supplier. 

He's finished with hand-feeding and is slowly learning to like fruits and vegetables.  Unfortunately, he's hooked on bird seed, which is too fattening to be a good long-term habit.  He loves grapes and carrots, and will inspect other things, too.  Just like a kiddo, he'll take time to learn.

Wa'allah's eyes are still dark grey, but the do seem a little lighter than when we bought him.  He's grown some, and now weighs a little over 400 grams, on his way to a full-grown weight of probably around 500 grams.  As he gets older, his eyes will continue to lighten until the irises are yellow.

Although he still makes the occasional baby-sounding "peeping and cheeping" noises, he's also started up a good whistling routine.  He does a whistle call for John and a different, higher pitched one for me.  He also says "Woah!" or "Whew!" when he's happy--this is the sound I make when he gives me a kiss.   But for now, we're enjoying lots of love and cuddling (he crawls up and wedges himself under my chin).  Of course he poops everywhere, too, and we're trying to teach him to say "make your poops!" like Habib does.  Some greys talk ealier and better than others, so we're just waiting to see if he'll live up to the legacy of Cosmo and Habib.

We have a firmly entrenched nickname for him now: THE CHEAGLE.  That will have to be another post soon.

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