Friday, March 11, 2011

Doha Food Adventures: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Even after EIGHT MONTHS (!!!), I am still having some strange food adventure every time I go to the grocery. We have a definite patter to each week:

Sunday through Thursday:
Run like hell to do the school/work thing, yelling at the boys to bathe every night.
Sit dumbfounded for a little while, then do laundry. 
Yell at the boys to bathe.
Do the grocery shopping, put up the clean clothes, yell at the boys to bathe. 
Get ready for the next week.
See?  See why I'm not posting on the blog more often?

So here, I offer a glimpse of some of the recently noted items. 
The good...the bad...and the ugly (cue whistling music!)

The Good:

ZOMG.  These are light, crispy cookies with a creamy blob of Nutella in the middle.  Going to buy bigger fat pants. brb.

Use the Smucker's only to see the scale of this bag of PRE-PEELED GARLIC CLOVES.  And so then what do I do with these little healthy packets of anti-oxident goodness?  Why, I douse them with olive oil, roast them in the oven until their a little darker than golden brown, let them cool for five minutes, then stand at the stove eating them--like a dozen at one standing--and moaning like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally.  Yes, it is that good.  Holy jinkies.  I'm drooling.

The Bad:

What's bad here is not the food item but the name.  Strained foul?  Really?  I thought it was chicken parts pushed through a sieve.  YYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

Really, John has eatten FRESH FOUL (!!!!) which is really spelled "Foll" and is pronounced "Fool."   No. No. No.  John eating Fool.  I won't go there.  No.

"Foll" is a common breakfast food in the Middle East--it's a mixture of beans usually served with tomatos, olive oil, halloum (mild, white) cheese, and grated egg on Afghani flat bread.  Think Middle Eastern breakfast taco. Think hell yes.  Good thing.  Bad name. 

The Ugly:

Sticks of "Krabsmaak"?  WTH?

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