Friday, March 11, 2011

Sauron Intersection

I don't know that we've fully shared the humor, terror, and lack of logic involved in driving and giving/getting directions in Doha. "Where the Streets Have No Name" gives an intro of sorts. No one knows the real names of anything (Qatari and Expat alike), and so we call things by made-up monikers. Moby Dick round-about became so because the petrol station there named Woquod has a big neon sign out front and reminds us of the Pequod in Melville's classic.

Our friends think we're so weird and random that they, too, now call it Pequod R/A.

Some of the names have become official, or at least are published on the local city maps they sell to all of us. Thus when you see "dhow R/A" you can bet there's an old wooden dhow sitting in the middle of that roundabout (there is, indeed).

So when we saw the big fire-sculpture was built on the corner by Aspire stadium, and then went home and watched one of the Lord of the Rings movies, we decided that what used to be Aspire Zone intersection was now "Eye of Sauron" intersection. Partially in honor of Hank and Jack's plaque.

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