Saturday, March 26, 2011

Three Steps Away from &
Many Braincells Ahead of
Elly May Clampett

It's "Wear Your National Costume Day" at Compass International School.
What exactly would you expect?

Don't mind that wet spot in the middle of her shirt--that comes from being a little too short to reach the sink when brushing one's teeth and will be dry in just a few minutes.

Aggies, baseball, the colors and stars of the American flag, Levi's with "diamonds" on the booty, and cowboy boots.  For a Mom who never thinks of anything until the last minute...and often, that is too late...I am proud of this achievement. All she needed was a tattoo and a cameo on Jerry Springer.

I'd also like to mention that their lunches contain "Texas Sushi" (turkey/cheese rolled up in soft flour tortillas and then cut into pieces, like sushi).  No one else will notice that, so just for the record.


  1. That girl is beyond gorgeous!! Love the outfit too. Eliza ended up going (at the last minute) in her Phillies Fanatic t-shirt and jeans. She's not from Philly, but that's the best we could do for just remembering on the way out the door :)

  2. I think you can't get any more "American" than a "Phillies Fanatic" t-shirt. Do her Daddy PROUD!
