Friday, October 15, 2010

Roti Roti Roti Roti Roti

This, my friends, is Roti.  It's an unleavened bread made across a number of countries and served all over Doha.  You can read about it on Wikipedia here.

It is basically flour, water, and ghee (clarified butter).  To make the roti, you make the dough, slather it with ghee and/or shortening, roll it up like a cinnamon roll, and then cut it into the rounds.  It's then cooked on a griddle, much like a Mexican comal.  Some cooks do different things to make the roti "flake" on top at the end of cooking, so it pulls apart into buttery lusciousness.

Some day, I will learn to make this myself.  The recipe pictured below (and linked here) is superb, so I'll try following it.  But for now, the Family Food grocery about 10 minutes from here makes fresh homemade roti for 1 riyale (about 30 cents) why or why would I do anything else except go buy a dozen of them?

We have no flour tortillas, but we have roti.

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