Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Khaliji Host (Generous) &
the Texus Girls (Goofballs)

I am not a morning person.
When we don't have anywhere to go, then we have "laundry conservation days."
This means no one gets out of his or her pajamas all day.
This is the least we can do to reduce our carbon footprint.

And all of this is dandy except when you live in a compound where Gurus and Samuels and construction workers and house painters and other random gentlemen suddenly appear in your window at unexpected moments.  Even with my long flannel britches and large t-shirts, I am too old and have had too many children to be spotted in my p.j.s.

So I asked our wonderful Qatari friend, the one who will patiently help me with all the crazy and obnoxious questions I have about living here, what "grown ladies" do here when drinking their morning coffee or tea.  Since modesty is such a huge deal, I might like to adopt local Qatari pajama and morning cover-up tradition.  So he explained that his Mom wears what is called a "jalabiya."  I think this is a generic term for "robe," but I'm not sure.  It's a silk or silk-blend house-robe that can be worn over pajamas.  It's embroidered with fancy threads and even beading.

So I thanked our friend for explaining and thought to myself, "Hmmm...maybe one of these will be on my Christmas list..."  What a nice guy to be willing to explain something so potentially awkward...yes, I basically asked him about a Mid-Eastern mou-mou, and he replied with grace and patience.

And then the next time I saw him, his Mom sent me one (!!!).  This is a prime example of the Qatari hospitality.  As I asked another sweet Qatari friend, this time a young woman, "how do I thank his Mom for her generosity?!?," she replied that no thanks is really needed--his Mom just wants you to enjoy the gift.  Of course, a note is always welcome, but I was advised that home-baked goodies might be liked as well...that leads to the post below...

But first, here's the house robe in action.

Hannah wants a matching one.  I think we're going to have to send John to the fabric store and to the tailor...but this morning, she made due with her Christmas dress from last year...

Hey, a girl has GOT to have her morning tea and the latest Facebook on the iPad before even thinking about being productive.


  1. laughing as i sit on our porch in my PJ's (ok, so you can do the math and know it's past noon- I didn't sleep at all last night... stupid back) drinking my tea. Modesty isn't quite as big here, but I did throw on sweat pants and a jacket before I came out. :)

    I can also relate to the part about people randomly looking in your window at any point. Our bedroom window recently broke and it took working on it every morning for a week to get it fixed.

    I love how very different, yet very similar, our experiences are! :)

  2. I know that someone besides me NEEDS a jalabiya! It is beautiful. Think I will google it just for fun. I am loving this blog, keep it up. Did I understand right and Jack will be posting from now on? What fun. Sk
