Saturday, August 21, 2010

Habib, Meet Steve Jobs

After three outgoing, friendly days, Habib had been shy again--I'd had the cage door open like a bridge to his stand all morning, and he had been talking and moving around and even coming out to the bridge but was not interested in the perch.

His cage is next to the kitchen as I work. So I thought I would play with him for a while, and he and I started with a good "fight" with his "keys" (it's actually pieces of flat plastic fruit shapes--a teething toy like the key ring things). He goes crazy when I dangle it around, giving great chase and chewing on it like it has seriously done him wrong. Then he came out right next to the stand, and we played "fetch," where I roll the tennis ball to him, he throws it on the floor, repeat X 10.

When that idea was worn out, I grabbed my iPad and turned on Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs and Ham," a book application for pre-schoolers that reads the words aloud. Habib was *fascinated*! In fact, he was desperate to touch it, to the point of climbing down onto the floor and running over to it. He gave the iPad several nudges with his beak but did not try to bite it or my fingers as I swiped to turn the pages. He has never climbed to the floor to be with me (we're still getting used to one another). It was awesome.

Jack sneaked in and took this picture (attached) at the end, after Habib had climbed back up and was back to just watching. His interest didn't last through the whole book (it's pretty long) but we will be trying this again.

Later that same day, I got to give Habib a head scratch through the cage bars (first time he's let me do that)!

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