Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Noodle Pizza Happy Dance

Only 14 Seconds, with almost no sound.  What's important is the movement.
Significant blackmail and trickery were involved in the capturing and sharing of this video.

[Sidenote:  When we watched this on the blog from our house, it was playing in double time with no sound.  You can still see the dance, and watching it in double time is pretty dang funny.]

Food here is still a little bit of an issue, mostly due to my lack of inspiration and ability to blame that on everything else but myself.  That is a whole whining post unto itself, so you gentle readers will be spared that for the moment.

Suffice it to say that we have an easy and inexpensive supply of pasta noodles and homemade pizza stuff (the Arabic flatbread makes quick and fantastic pizza.  Yea!).  So maybe a month ago, Hank started rewarding me for a meal-well-provided (a.k.a., something he was happy to eat in large quantity) by spontaneously breaking out in this dance.

The dance is aided by slippery tile floors, coated with a very fine (almost invisible) layer of powdery sand dust.  Although he starts out in flat-handed formation, at about 8 seconds, he breaks into the finger-snapping option.  Plaid pajama pants are not required.


  1. haha- nice! i wonder if he could teach kahler? i'm sure our meals would get more creative if i had some inspiration like that!

    i actually posted a similar thing today (minus the dance, of course), sharing what we're eating in an attempt to make myself be more creative.

  2. WOW, that was great! Hank may have a career ahead of him on Dancing With The Stars! How much sugar and chocolate was in that pizza, anyway?

  3. AS for the doughnuts, yummy, we have a wonderful homemade doughnut place 1/2 block from church on Sundays. We make sure we leave church about 10 til 12:00 because all THAT day's doughnuts are bagged up by the 1/2 doz. or dozen (whatever it takes to fill a bag) and are sold for 2.00-2.50 a bag. No wonder I'm almost up the The Weight I Said I Would Never Reach Non Pregnant. Whatever shall I do????
