Thursday, September 2, 2010

And Then a Hello.

Well, now here I am still crying over Shady but I want to show you what showed up in our garage a couple of nights ago.  I have promised that this friend must stay outside.  No name yet, for fear of getting attached.  This guy just comes around and yowls loudly for his dinner around sundown each evening.  He's in good shape, so he most likely has a route and has just added us (a new family of suckers who promptly dropped everything to run to a neighborhood grocery and buy the only bag of cat food they had) as a nightly stop.  I've put the food and water in my kitchen window, over my sink.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I remember one of the first days in your class you were telling us how you were going to be a crazy old cat lady and then showed a video of a woman with like 800 cats in her garage.

    It starts with one... just sayin'. ;)
