Monday, June 20, 2011

Hannah's Pre-K Field Trip...
To the Porsche Dealership

Hannah brought home a field-trip permission form...for a journey to the Doha Porsche dealership. The unit they were studying was called "Going Places" and it at least partially emphasizes traffic and road safety. This made me laugh for all sorts of reasons. It's typical of the "other worldly" place that this is.  That said, the day was actually lots of fun and their kids' program was impressive! Here are some pictures.

Our kids came in two groups of around 18.  Our group started off in the classroom.

They got a full lesson in road signage by a very strict instructor
who expected everyone to participate and pay attention.

Here are the signs they had to learn.
A couple of kids in Hannah's class (equivalent of American pre-k) can already read! 

Next, they all got in these pedal cars.

And off they went!
The indoor track was quite extensive, including tunnels and stop lights,
a roundabout, and even a teeter-totter sort of thing (shown here).

After the driving extravaganza, they then served everyone lunch!
The adults also received a "tea service" (hot coffee or tea served in nice china/tea cups).

After lunch, the kids drew pictures of what they learned.

And then each kiddo got a hat, a neck strap with a photo-ID "driver's license" attached (with their real names and photos included) as well as a take-home guide about traffic safety, and of course, a Porsche sales booklet... They also each got a really nice aluminum business card holder...?

Hannah now considers herself a Porsche driver. 
Anyone interested in being betrothed to this little pint of pink better take note of that expectation...

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