Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Legomania: The Best of the Builders

The boys liked Legos, too, but when I would buy them a big set, more often it was me building it.  Admittedly, I love building with Legos...following the visual instructions is like a cross between a puzzle, a where's Waldo (finding the new pieces as their added), and a great feat of engineering. So I never complained about the building.

But when her Fantastic Father brought her the Legos Beauty Shop as her first "very own" set, the Girlchild proved to be her own, independent builder.  She followed the instructions to a T and did a great job of making it exactly as shown.  Now let's hope that she learns to tear it apart and do some creative thinking, too...she's already been at that sort of thing with the boys' Legos.

She herself, who has been planning the layout and services of her future real-life multi-story beauty salon for over a year,  really loves these "girlie" Legos, and I'm glad for her to have a set that draws her attention even more but is an even better fit for the colors and ideas that she loves.  Santa surely is watching...

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