Saturday, February 4, 2012

I can haz piggy?

Ohhhh...back in early December the beer barn started selling pork products!

You bring it home in a black bag...because it's a controlled substance.

In December, the only choices were bacon and sausages...
but they said they would have more choices in the future.

In actuality, I have mixed emotions about this decision to provide licensed access to pork. This upset some conservative locals quite a bit; they see it as a further erosion of the native community's identity.  In fact, based on some news stories and commentary I've read, some see it as more dangerous than the availability of alcohol and even worry that pork products will be snuck into restaurant food. As far as I know, pork is not available at any restaurant in Doha, but alcohol *is* served at some Western hotels, so who can be sure. 

The teasing over pork/bacon is a favorite here/there conversation, but in reality, none of us in this family really miss pork that much--we'd rather respect that we're in a foreign country and then just eat our weight in thick cut smoked, peppered bacon when we're home.

In January, the Qatar government suddenly and without clear reason took alcohol away from The Pearl, a fancy schmancy and rather Western high-end retail, restaurant, and living area here.  I don't know if the reasoning was ever revealed, but we have heard about how the cultural tolerance here waxes and wanes.  I wonder if this decision regarding pork factored into a swing back towards more conservative rules...In fact, I won't be surprised if pork access is withdrawn or even if alcohol access is temporarily (?) restricted even for license holders.  Thankfully, neither is really required for existence.

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