Thursday, July 21, 2011

Istanbul: Randomness

 On the metro, checking the map.

 Big kid.  He loves to ride trains just like I love to ride trains.

 Smart cat demonstrates fine carpets.  Would you like to come inside and see my shop?

 Twirling amidst the pigeons: "Watch this, chickens!"

 Big jump on the hippodrome (no, no...that's not a place where hippos do rollerderby. 
Read more about it here

Big prizes...a heart-shaped nazar and the little ceramic cat that she doesn't know I'm stealing from her.  Hannah is blessed to be loved wherever she goes, even when she's not wearing a Spanish cha-cha dress and twirling around like a Carmen Miranda Dervish).  The Turkish shopkeepers LOVE her.  They come out and give her gifts (like the cat in this photo...or the napkins full of fresh french fries...or Apple tea) and want to talk to her and touch her hair, and oh boy, if she consents to a high-5 or a hug, then it's like the world stopped...and no one ever tries to sell her a carpet.  I hope she can go through life with such an open heart and friendliness but without some warped sense of entitlement (and the people of Athens spoil her the same way...a lady tonight gave her a bracelet!).  

It's good to be king princess.Lord have mercy on your soul if you get in her way...

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