We had already paid, and I was trying to enter the 6-month appointment date into my smart phone. I am 42 years old. I have reached the age where some new tricks are just not worth learning. Put most of the smart phone tricks into that category.
The counter is one of those that is chest high, so my phone was in an awkward position. I type on the touch screen with two fingers because when I try to use my thumbs, I always end of hitting the wrong letters and then that damned autocorrect goes wacko. The other day, this led to a text message that said "A rhino is hairless and grumpy." This is not what I meant to say.
So I'm standing there with all three kids (and Hannah is almost always talking, bless her heart) trying to enter the damned dates into my phone by doing the touch screen thing with each of my index fingers. At which point, Hank launches into hysterical laughter, exclaiming that I look like a t-rex typing with little tiny arms (my arms are at an odd angle due to the counter).
That was a month ago, but now it has turned into a daily mention of "Mama's raptor typing," accompanied by crazed two-fingered punching motions as the elbows are glued to the front of the torso (simulating very short arms).
This is me trying to study while Hannah swims. This is what life comes to. Have you ever had a cat come stare at you intently until you feed it?
This is raptor typing over a bowl of noodles. I wish you could hear the sounds he's making.
And so in honor of this smart assiness, this is what I've bought the big boy for his birthday. I'm going to set it up in the dark, so he doesn't know it's there:
It's 70 inches tall.
And I'm going to tape a cell phone in its hand.
That's fantastic! I feel like the majorities of families we met living overseas had a certain close-ness that you is rare in the states. What a sweet thing to get to experience with your kiddos!