The morning of the last day of school. Hard to believe that nine months has already gone by!
Hannah and Sofia right before graduation. The only two girls in their half of the three year-old class.
Audrey, Hannah, and Sofia (Hannah's two favorite friends).
As all the other kids sang, yelled their colors and numbers and ABC's, and did the Hokey Poky, Hannah stood with her eyes aimed right at me the whole time. She may love to dance, but I don't think she necessarily loves the least when there's a large audience of strangers.
Hannie B. Gracie Lou, a.k.a. Goozie Magoo, a.k.a. Lovey, a.k.a. Farty Pants, a.k.a. Papa's Girl No Mama's Girl gets her pre-school diploma. (In Franklin, we are blessed to have full-time public "official" four-year old pre-k through the elementary school, so the kids won't come back to this Methodist school.) On a sidenote, a girl can never have too many pseudonyms...
Required cap and gown portrait #1.
Required cap and gown portrait #2.
While we were at pre-k graduation, Hank had his end-of-year band concert. Once again, P & B save the day. They took the boys to the concert, and I'll get to listen to the CD. The 7th graders played music from Harry Potter! :)
John: notice the boots.
GO HANK with the boots! Mimi is proud